Overslept, I had trouble sleeping last night, heavy rain, thunder, lightning, Had a weird dream that Giorgio brought along a snobby, wealthy couple and would not tell me who they were or why he brought them. Strange, because I rarely remember my dreams. Went for a walk after I finished packing. The valley is foggy and cloudy and I’m glad I did the Pavarotti thing a few days ago.
Stella was surprised that I am leaving today. I put my suitcase by the front door as reminder. Giorgio arrived early, we had lunch with Stella and Luca. All in all, I have to say It’s been a perfect vacation, no hiccups that couldn’t be handled, if not by me, then by a member of the family. And it isn’t over yet, there stil 2 days in Mantova with G and his extended family.
Giorgio is exactly the kid Charlie & I met 30(!) years at the Atlanta airport. Did I tell you how we met? My mother gave our name to a friend who was looking for 2 families to host a couple of 17 year old Italian boys looking to learn English. We said yes without thinking. Yeah, sure we’ll do it. How hard could it be? On the way to the airport, we began to have second thoughts. What if he is spoiled or rude? We don’t know him. We didn’t even know what he looked like. Within seconds, of meeting, we were in love with him: he was funny and smart, and we enjoyed his company the rest of the summer. We stayed In touch, met his family in Italy, went to his wedding. In fact, he introduced us to other wedding guests as his American parents. He was a big kid then and he is big kid today. Only now, he is also a mechanical engineer, a husband, and a father of 2. Otherwise, exactly the same.
I am at loss for words, right now, I am leaving as soon as Giorgio finishes his phone call with his boss. Stella is reading the newspaper, Luca is off somewhere else and I have already said goodbye to Arminda and Marco. Nothing left to do but leave.
Laughed all the way to Mantova, Giorgio told me one incredibly funny story after another about his life, his kids, his job, and Sara. Since we made such good time, we went directly to pick up his son, Gabriele from karatè. Beautiful boy. Lovely evening together with their friends, Andrea and Elisa whose son, Alberto, and daughter Cori are the same ages as the Rossini kids. Cori, a tiny acrobat, is already the person at the top of a human pyramid in one amazing but scary video after another.
Top row: Sara, me, Giorgio and Daniele, bottom row: Cristina and Rebecca
Giorgio and his son Gabriele.